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In the PS2 and Xbox versions, by default, you play as Obi-Wan, but after beating the game, you can choose to play as Anakin, which gets you an alternate ending where Anakin kills both Obi-Wan and Palpatine to rule the galaxy himself.

  • Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith ends with the duel between Obi-Wan and Anakin, both of whom have been playable characters up to that point.
  • Oddly, this does actually give an easy victory, activate the second player and simply kill them without them defending. There's only one way it'll turn out despite who wins.

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    Come the last stage, the character not being used becomes the boss (although you can still switch control of the characters even during the duel).

  • In LEGO Star Wars, you play through most of the last level of Episode III as either Obi-Wan or Anakin.
  • For the first half of the fight, you control Kain trying to beat Raziel into submission, before control switches to Raziel half way through.
  • In Legacy of Kain: Defiance, one of the boss fights is a duel between the two protagonists, Kain and Raziel.
  • If a character appears as a boss fight first and is later unlockable as a playable character, they have been Promoted to Playable. If the two characters play similarly enough to one another, the battle may serve as a Mirror Boss. May overlap with Previous Player-Character Cameo and Rogue Protagonist if it takes place in a sequel.

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    Even if it's not to the death, the outcome of who wins may cause the story to branch off in different paths.

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    If the battle is fought to the death, it can become a powerful Player Punch, especially the player is forced to decide which character lives and who dies. If the two playable characters are rivals or Arch Enemies to one another this is all but guaranteed to happen at some point. And then there are some that pit one player character against another, controlled by the player and the AI, respectively. Some feature more of them, with the player controlling each one of them in turns. Most single-player video games have a single Player Character whom the player steers throughout the adventure.

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